Saturday, May 20, 2017

Only one side of the issue

The News and Observer has a picture in the Section A of a church that has a yard sign which reads "11 Muslims killed 2977 Christians on Sept. 11, 2001."  I am not sure just what the message might be. I can imagine that they want us to remember the victims of that attack. I suspect that there is an implied attack upon Muslims in that statement. It would fit in with trump's attack on Muslims and his attempt to ban them from this country.

But like so many things in our deeply divided world right now, it does not tell the whole story. It does not tell how many Muslims have been killed by our unnecessary war in Iraq. It does not tell how many Muslims have been killed by the conflicts in Afghanistan that are the results of the forces and sects that have been ignited by the wars in Iraq.  It does not recognize the arrogance of American political power in the long history of that region that has been supported by Christian missionary zeal.

They will correctly tell us that they are simply stating the facts. Those are facts, but facts are never independent of context and the context of the long history of American domination of the oil countries and the context of the response to that event which has killed many more than 3,000 cannot be ignore.

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