Monday, December 17, 2012

christmas war

       It appears that certain media outlets in order to keep the pot stirred up have begun to talk about the liberals' war on Christmas. When you say "Happy Holidays" you are fighting against Christmas. When you do not protest because the city council will no longer pay for the creation of a Nativity scene in the public park, you are waging war against Christmas.  It is all a part of a great satanic plot to undermine the greatness of our country and lead the USA into the dumps. The malls that play "seasonal" music and not Christmas carols are part of the infantry that is fighting the war against Christmas.

       The truth of the matter, as it seems to me, is that there is a great war against the mass of Christ and it is not the one that the media people are talking about.  This is not a new war that has just begun in the last couple of years.  This is the war that Santa Christmas is waging against the Christ child's birth.  This is the push of the retail merchants to encourage more and more focus on the Santa of giving presents and buying stuff,  and ignoring the religious dimensions of the season.

       There has been, and it is a blessed thing that needed to be done, a push to dissolve the parasitic relationship between a kind of generic Christianity and the public policies. The promotion of the Christian faith in public schools, the opening of public meetings with Christian prayers, the honoring of Christian holidays with vacation days.  There has been a slow recognition and movement towards the principles of separation of church and state. The state will not seek to destroy or limit any religion by taxation and oppression, nor will it promote one religion over the other by special privileges.  Our country has become more and more religiously diverse and our eyes have been opened to how much of our public support has been totally given to the vague notion of the Christian faith.

       So it is entirely appropriate that in this time of the year when several religions have special celebrations that the government not give one of those celebrations more attention than others. But that is not a war on Christmas. It frees Christians to focus more joyfully on the coming of the Christ child.

        The real war on Christmas is the assault of the Santa Claus culture that continues to dominate the month of December.  Who is this holiday really for? Santa or Jesus.  Did you see the question asked by the Jewish child about whether or not Santa comes to Jewish children?  The Santa culture is invading the Jewish traditions. The really powerful and effective war that is being waged against Christmas is the commercialization of Christmas to the extent that the ideal image now is Santa driving Mercedes Benz cars and coming to your home.

      Saying "Happy Holidays" is not a problem for me, but hearing "Santa Claus is coming to town!" fires another shot at the Christ child in a manger.

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