Thursday, April 7, 2011

Good Intentions?

What is it that really matters as a human being? That you accomplished things or that you attempted and worked for good things? "By their fruits Ye shall know them" is one of the criteria often given. The good deeds are given as the criteria when Jesus separates the sheep from the goats. It does not seem to matter why or what was the reason you gave a drink to a thirsty person, but rather that you did. I have told a joke often about a preacher who got to heaven and was given junk and the Muslim Cab driver in Brooklyn who was given treasures and wonderful things. When the preacher asks why, St. Peter said when you preached people went to sleep. When Abdul drove his cab people prayed like crazy. By the fruits ye shall know them.

But what about all those people who labored, worked, sacrificed, taught, and pushed for improving education in this country. Every governor in North Carolina since Reconstruction has pushed the improvement in Education and the educational level of North Carolina is almost exactly where it was then. A lot of effort but few fruits. What about all the protesters and anti-war people who marched, clubbed, arrested against war, who went to jail for the cause of Peace? When you look at us now in two wars and one military action and nobody protesting, you have to think that those who marched and shouted for Peace did not produce many fruits. There are so many people who have worked so long and so hard for good causes and noble purposes and have failed to achieve much. Mothers Against Drunk Driving work incredibly hard and yet there continues to be confused attitude in the public about drinking and driving. There is the texts that talk about God judges by the heart and not by outward appearances. So maybe that is thinking that our good intentions, our noble efforts may be taken into account.

In the end all I can say is that it is a blessed relief to know it is not going to be my job to be the one to make the call. And it is an even more blessed relief to know, if Jesus teaches us anything, that the one who makes the call has a lover's heart for all creation.

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